Congratulations & Welcome to RISE!

Please review the following information about this school year with your parents:

About Intro to RISE:

Intro to RISE is our brand new experience for 6th graders! This class will cover the process of design thinking with remarkably innovative (and fun!) hands-on projects. You will get to explore the fields of robotics and coding, entrepreneurship, event-planning, research, and creative design.

This class will help you: work effectively in teams, create big ideas and execute them well, communicate your ideas, become a confident leader, and innovate every aspect of life!

Class supplies needed:

  • 1.5” binder

    Shop here

  • One 200 sheet spiral notebook with three hole punches (to fit in binder)

    Shop here

  • App: Google Classroom

    Download here


What to Expect For The 2022-2023 School Year:

  • We’d like you to note - this year we have additional procedures in place to ensure a smooth transition into our project-based learning environment.

    In RISE, we require students to exercise intense responsibility and self control throughout various hands-on projects. This can be very different than other classes, and sometimes it is just not a great fit. That doesn’t mean it’s not a fit forever - it just means right now, the rigorous work load, independence, and responsibility required may not be feasible.

    At the beginning of the school year, after time getting to know you & you getting to know RISE, we will evaluate your placement and make sure it is the BEST decision for you to continue on in RISE. We also want you to LOVE coming to class - so if you feel uninterested, this trial period will give you a chance to re-evaluate too.

    We will be working closely with the secondary office, and so if RISE does not end up being where you stay, they will help place you in another elective.

  • Hard work & professionalism are essential in the RISE Institute. Our classroom space contains a robotics and engineering lab, maker's space, and houses active scientific research; therefore, it is essential to have students who can handle themselves in this fast-paced environment. Our lessons often involve hands-on projects that require a lot of responsibility & independence. While we want you to explore and discover exciting things, we have high expectations for behavior in the classroom.

  • Grades in this class are based on:

    Production: The quality of work you produce, as well as the effort you put into every step of the learning process.

    Engagement: The quality of participation you put forth as we work on solving problems

  • About RISE →

  • RISE stands for Research, Innovation, STEM Learning, and Entrepreneurship.

    The RISE Institute is a research and design lab striving for excellence by helping students find and solve real, interesting problems in our community and around the world.

  • RISE started with a big idea and a converted teacher’s lounge - now it has launched into a program challenging & equipping students to change the world.